Does anyone have any experience with creating a bootable version of
the EVMDM642?
I have read SPRA544D and SPRA999A extensively and am happy with the
idea of writing a 2nd level bootloader.
However I see the following problems when attempting to write a 2nd
level bootloader for the EVMDM642:
1) Only 19 address lines run from the DSP to the FLASH memory.
This means that only 2^19 or 512KBytes can be read directly
from FLASH into the DSP.
(The remaining 2.5MB of FLASH memory is only accessible once
the FPGA is running.)
2) As shipped, the FLASH memory contains a 2nd level bootloader
and an unknown amount of configuration code for the FPGA. This will
need to be re-mapped into my version of the FLASH memory or it will be
So, I can could create a bootable version if my code was less than
511KB and I did not need to use anything connected to the FPGA, but
otherwise I am in trouble.
Any pointers/advice please?