
Mem_Alloc and tsk 62x

Started by sophyan April 23, 2007
Thanks for your help Jeff, I've created a 5sec timer that "simulates" the interrupt that you suggested.

In the timer function I am able to call the Mem_alloc and Mem_free with no trouble. And I was able to Signal the task semaphore. And again, the _tsk function fails to Mem_alloc. From this exercise we proved that it's probably not the HWI that is choking up.

On 4/23/07, Jeff Brower wrote:
> Sophis-
> > Mem_alloc and Mem_free works in an idle task, so I assume they are
> > working.
> Ok, that's promising. Do you have some other way to set the semaphore to cause your TSK function to run? I.e. if you
> can "simulate" the interrupt, it might reveal something. What if you create an OS timer based periodic TSK function
> that sets the semaphore every 1 msec?
> -Jeff
> > --- In c..., "Jeff Brower" wrote:
> >>
> >> Sophis-
> >>
> >> > What is the problem? I'm trying to allocate external SDRAM memory in a
> >> > TSK function defined in a Configuration CDB file. However Mem_alloc in
> >> > TSK function fails. To test Mem_alloc, I was able to allocate in the
> >> > during the initialization of the System and see memory allocated in
> >> > Kernal Object viewer. So the problem must be in the system level.
> >> >
> >> > I read up on Mem_allocs and found out that dynamic memory functions
> >> > are disabled in HWI and SWi.
> >> >
> >> > This led me to think maybe HWI is causing my system to fail. My system
> >> > generates a HWI when the user presses a button. The resulting HWI is
> >> > serviced by an ISR that signals the semaphore for the Task. The task
> >> > function then calls Mem_Alloc. I'm guessing HWI here is preventing
> >> > memory to be allocated? If not, what are the things I should check?
> >> >
> >> > I've checked Configuration and all the Memory segment sizes, they
> > look OK.
> >>
> >> Try making the same Mem_alloc in main(), or another simple place in
> > the code. My guess is your function fails there
> >> also, which would mean the issue doesn't have to do with interrupts.
> >>
> >> -Jeff
> >>
> >
> >
> >
