When you call some function in a library (this does not have any effect on
compilation) you must have:
-- the appropriate header file visible to the linker (part of the linker build
-- the library header file #include'd in any source file that calls any
function in that header file.
R. Williams
---------- Original Message -----------
To: c...
Sent: Mon, 28 May 2007 08:05:56 -0400
Subject: [c6x] Re: Using DSP Lib
> Hi Everyone,
> >I want to use DSP library in my project (I use 6416 starter kit), I
> >dsp64x.lib to my project includes, and necessary header file
> >for my function (DSP_fir_gen.h), then I am trying to use the function,
> >is no error during file compaliation, but a linking error occurs
> >"symbol referencing error", could any one help me about that phenomenon.
> >Best regards.
> >--
> >Dr. Hamza ER
> >Uzman Tasar ve Gelitirme Mendisi
> >TAK-Ulusal Elektronik ve Aratma Enstit P.K. 74
> >41470 Gebze/KOCAEL
> >Tel : 262 648 1215
> >Fax: 262 648 1100
> >
> >Hamza OZER, Ph.D.
> >Senior Research & Design Engineer
> >National Research Center of Electronics
> >P.O. Box 74, 41470, Gebze, KOCAELI, TURKEY
> >Phone : +90 262 6481215
> >Fax : +90 262 6481100
> >
> The libraries may be "rts6400.lib".