Dear all,
It has been given in a document TMS320C64x+ DSP Cache User’s Guide
(SPRU862A) section 3.5 "On-Chip Debug Support"
(pdf) that we can see the cache status on the board( not device accurate
simulator) in CCS 3.3v and above.
But i am not able to see the cache details in CacheTagRamViewer on the evm
Please let me know if their is any document availabe on this, or if any settings
need to be done in CCS to view the cache details on board.
Below is the snapshot of section 3.5 of the document.
The C64x+ devices support a feature that allows read-out of the cache tag RAM
(on earlier version of some C64x+ devices, this feature is only supported on
simulator platforms). This feature is exposed in Code Composer Studio IDE
(version 3.2 or higher) through the Cache Tag RAM Viewer. The viewer
displays for each cache line the cache type, set number, way number,
valid/dirty/LRU bits and the line address (with symbols). This allows you to
analyze cache behavior by single-stepping through the algorithm and observing
the changes in the cache. This helps with choosing the appropriate
method and verifying the results of the optimization.
Using Cache tag Ram Viewer tool to view cache misses on Board(EVM)
Started by ●February 26, 2009