
CCS memory map setting

Started by Torgeir Jakobsen September 11, 2003
I have a problem with the emulation through Code Composer Studio. So, far I have used the simulator when developing my software for the TMS320VC5510 DSP. Now I want to emulate to eliminate the last few bugs that I have in my program. I use the XDS510PP Plus emulator, and it seems to work ok against the DSP on our hardware.
The loading of my program is not correct. Writing to the registers in io-space does not work, this actually changes the same address in data memory.
I think the problem is that I have to specify a memory map to CCS. This was not necessary in the simulator. I have made a gel-file which corresponds to my memory settings in my project linker command file, but I get an error message when loading the program.
Error message:
Load failed. A section of your program falls into a memory region that is not writable. Check your linker configuration and/or memory map
The error comes when CCS tries to load the .const section, but it also seems to give the same error on the .cinit section. I also get the same error message when using the same gel-file in the simulator.
I have made all memory writable in the gel-file. So, I do not understand why I get this message.
My linker command file:
    PAGE 0:
        MMR (RW) : origin = 0000000h, length = 00000c0h/* Memory mapped registers */ 
        MBOX (RW) : origin = 00000C0h, length = 0000100h/* Message boxes DSP and SA */
        DARAM0 (RWI): origin = 00001C0h, length = 0003E40h /* Variable space */
        FFT (RW) : origin = 0004000h, length = 0004004h /* FFT data here */
        DARAM1 (RW) : origin = 0008004h, length = 0007FFCh /* Time series space */
        SARAM0 (RWIX): origin = 0010000h, length = 0008900h /* Program code space */
        VECS (RWIX) : origin = 0018900h, length = 100h  /* Interrupt vector table space */
        SARAM1 (RW) : origin = 0018A00h, length = 0037600h /* Time series space */
        PDROM (X)   : origin = 0ff8000h, length = 07f00h /* On-chip ROM */
 PAGE 1:
      IOSPACE (RW): origin = 00000h, length = 20000h  /* Io space */  
  .mboxes  : {} > MBOX  PAGE 0    /* Messages DSP-SA placed here */
        .outdata : {} > DARAM0 PAGE 0
        .bss  : {} > DARAM0 PAGE 0    /* Uninitialized data section */
        .stack  : {} > DARAM0 PAGE 0    /* Stack sections */
        .sysstack : {} > DARAM0 PAGE 0
        .sysmem  : {} > DARAM0 PAGE 0
        .data  : {} > DARAM0 PAGE 0
        .fftdata : {} > FFT  PAGE 0, align(2048) /* Data for FFT/IFFT here */
        .samples1 : {} > DARAM1 PAGE 0    /* First time series samples here */
  .text  : { H_Startup.obj (.text)
      *(.text)} > SARAM0 PAGE 0  /* Code section */
        .const  : {} > SARAM0 PAGE 0    /* Constant section */
        .cinit  : {} > SARAM0 PAGE 0    /* Initialisation section */
        .switch  : {} > SARAM0 PAGE 0
        .vectors : {} > VECS  PAGE 0, align(256)
        .samples2 : {} > SARAM1 PAGE 0    /* Time series samples here */
My gel_file with memory map setting:
 GEL_TextOut("C5510 GEL StartUp  Complete.\n");
hotmenu C5510_Mem_Map_Init()
 GEL_MapAdd(0x000000,1,0x000060,1,1);   /* DARAM0 - MMR regs */
 GEL_MapAdd(0x000060,1,0x007FA0,1,1);   /* DARAM0 - Data space */
 GEL_MapAdd(0x010000,0,0x008900,1,1);   /* SARAM0 - Program space */
 GEL_MapAdd(0x018900,0,0x000100,1,1);   /* SARAM0 - Interrupt vectors */
 GEL_MapAdd(0x00C500,1,0x01BB00,1,1);   /* SARAM1 - Data space */
 GEL_MapAdd(0x000000,2,0x3C00,1,1);    /* IO space */
Best regards
Torgeir Jakobsen
Senior Engineer, Technology Department
Aanderaa Instruments AS
e-mail: t...@aanderaa.no
web: www.aanderaa.com
phone; +47 55 10 99 00
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