Hi, I'm new here so a big hello to everyone at first. I have a problem with the watch window in CCS v2.21 in combination with the f2812 (eZdsp board). I can add a variable to the window but it's not update d on any brake point and it shows a strange number. When I execute a code like t his: int count = 0; void main(void) { count = 1; count++; while(1); } Set the brake pint to the first two lines of main an watch count, it's not 0 on startup and it does not change during stepping. But programs seem to run normal. Have I missed to set up something or what could be the problem. later, Janko Horvat ____________________ http://www.email.si/ |
watch problem with CSS v2.21 and f2812
Started by ●March 3, 2005