Dear Rashmi,
Dont use the puts() to write the string onto the log screen of the LOG
screen... it wont work... puts uses some stdui type of rts.lib support but
dspbios doesnot support usual rts.lib functions....
LOG_printf() will print the string onto a output window of DSPBios. check
whether u need to create the object in the config window there to print the
string using this LOG_printf. u need to include a specific header file also
for this I guess. Check more with the document supplied for the help on
On 4/5/06, Rashmi Chawla wrote:
> Hi
> I have just started using code composer studio and was trying out the
> example as mentioned in the help section of code composer...The
> example is to change hello1 program written with simple 'puts'
> function to print "hello" hello2 program using dsp/bios for
> the same output.
> after creating .cdb file and all other necessary steps as mentioned in
> the document when i try to compile the code it gives an error...
> "c:\ti\c5500\cgtools\bin\cl55" -g -mg -as
> -fr"C:/ti/myprojects/hellobois/hello1/Debug" -v5510:2 -@"Debug.lkf"
> "hello.c"
> "hello.c", line 21: fatal error: could not open source file "hellocfg.h"
> 1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "hello.c".
> Compilation terminated.
> However the file is already present in the include directory......i
> have tried to reload the file but still the error remains...pls
> help!!!