Hi all,
I am a student on VLSI design and I want to get some profiling informations
such as cpu cycles and instruction counts of a small application in C on
TMS320C64xx dsp. Sorry this is the first time I use the Code Composer Studio and
there are 2 problems that make me confused.
1. I can compile, build and load the programme but when it begins to run, it
never stops except that I use the "Halt" button. Then I use a naive empty code "
void main() {}", the result is the same. But the project in the CCS tutorial
works just fine.
2. When I use the optimization option such as -ox, the programme can compiled,
built and loaded but the simulator can not run. The error message is something
like "Trouble running target cpu : Illegal opcode xxx at pc xxx".
Are there some guys having the same problems?
Thank you for help.
2 problems on c64xx cpu cycle accurate simulator on ccs3.1
Started by ●July 5, 2006