D Lee-
> I've been using CCS 3.3 for several months on
this Dell XPS Vista
> Ultimate machine, most recently eleven days ago. Today I opened a
> project, using Project->Open, and when I clicked on the "Look in:"
> drop-down list to navigate to the right folder, I got this:
> "Unexpected Fatal Error Encountered which may have been caused by
> a stack overflow, out of memory condition, or access violation."
> It went on to try to save my work.
> I haven't changed my workstation configuration in the last eleven
> days. My workaround for now is to use the "Up" button to work my
> way back up the directory tree. Everything else seems normal. I
> reinstalled from the CD, just to eliminate the possibility of
> corrupted files.
> Any ideas what might be causing such misbehavior?
No ideas, but if one of my engineers told me he/she was going to use CCS v3.3
Vista, I would ask them to use WinXP for now.
CCS still consumes huge amounts of virtual mem and eventually slows WinXP
machines to
a crawl if it's allowed to run long enough, for example things like opening
or other windows become painfully slow. This has been the case for many years,
days of 1.x CCS. I've always suspected that a) Find in Files has something
to do
with it, and b) interface between GUI and command-line tools (i.e. having to
VM I/O with these tools) has something do with it.
CCS is a great package, I think it's just hard to get that level of
powerful GUI,
command-line tool, and hardware emulation capability integrated into a
package. Especially when Microsoft keeps changing the rules.