
NaN issue with NOTCH filter

Started by jtp_1960 December 10, 2013
Thanks for the good hints!

After debugging the code as suggested, so far I found one bug in my

if(bw == 0.0f){
    if(swType > 1 && swType < 5){ bw = halfsq2;} // lp/hp
    else if(swType == 5 || swType == 6){ bw = 0.9f;}  // ls/hs
    else if(swType == 7){ bw = 30.0f;}  // notch
else{ <-- BUG (should be done for ls/hs types only)
    bw /= 12.0f;

This change helped for issues above 70Hz but still issues below it. I just
need to debug some more.


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