
Karhunen-Loeve Image Compression

Started by sularome February 21, 2006
hi all,

I have for a student project to develop a software compressing images
by the Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) method. I've read 3 days and did
not found anything useful in Google. :(( if anybody of you can send me
something similar that he has developed or give me link with a good
example i will be really grateful. 


>hi all, > >I have for a student project to develop a software compressing images >by the Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) method. I've read 3 days and did >not found anything useful in Google. :(( if anybody of you can send me >something similar that he has developed or give me link with a good >example i will be really grateful. > >thanks, > >
The K-L transform is also known as Principal component analysis or hotelling transform. This should work. http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/cosc453/student_tutorials/principal_components.pdf
Thanks a bunch..

 It was really helpful example.

Cheers. (:-)