

Started by dew April 9, 2006
can someone please explain
the meaning of this code
its about computing the autocorrelation function IN MATLAB

for i=1:1:50
z=[x zeros(1,i)];
y=[zeros(1,i) x];
z=[ zeros(1,i) x];
y=[x zeros(1,i)];

"dew" <ukap70@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> hi > can someone please explain > the meaning of this code > its about computing the autocorrelation function IN MATLAB > > r1=[zeros(1,101)];
set up a column vector r1 of 101 elements all of which are set to 0
> for i=1:1:50
starting at i=1 execute the instructions between here and end then increment i by 1 : exit for-end loop when i>50 : note that this overwrites matlab's default value for i=sqrt(-1).
> x=rand(1,5000);
fill a 5000 element column vector x with double precision values between 0 and 1 selected from a uniform distribution - note that this is _inside_ the loop
> r=zeros(1,101);
see r1 but this is _inside_ the loop so wipes out the last value that you stored in r
> fori=1:1:50
set up a 50 element row vector fori so that element n holds value n.
> z=[x zeros(1,i)];
add i zeros on to the end of x and call it z
> y=[zeros(1,i) x];
add i zeros on to the beginning of x and call it y effectively shifting the non-zero values of y w.r.t. those of z
> r(51+i)=sum(z.*y)./(5000-i);
multiply the shifted and original sequence together , for some reason normalise by dividing by 5000-i and store the sum in element 51+i of the 101 element vector r
> end
loop back incrementing i by 1 as previously noted or continue to next line of code if i>50 after the increment
> r(51)=sum(x.*x)./(5000);
put the mean squared value of x in element 51 of r at this point i is not incrementing any more , the vector fori has not been used at all, nor has r1 and everything runs very very slowly as x is filled with a new set of random numbers and y and z are redimensioned every time the loop executes. As r is zeroed at the start of each loop it should hold non-zero values for element 51 and 101. I could be completely wrong but thats as close as I can get to a description of what this segment of code should be doing. Best of luck - Mike