

Started by Dirk Bruere at NeoPax December 12, 2006
Quick Q
Can this be used as a replacement for MatLab in VisualAudio filter 


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Dirk Bruere at NeoPax wrote:

> Quick Q > Can this be used as a replacement for MatLab in VisualAudio filter > development? >
Don't know but I have tried both SciLab and Octave via MatLab conversion routines, wanted to calculate WD filters. Didn't work at all. It was really frustrating, only got tons of error messages. So, I went back to the trusty old DOS programs which work like a champ. -- Regards, Joerg http://www.analogconsultants.com
Dirk Bruere at NeoPax wrote:
> Quick Q > Can this be used as a replacement for MatLab in VisualAudio filter > development? >
Quick answer: Yes Not so quick answer: Maybe, but it depends on how much knowledge/code/etc you need to migrate. Scilab and Octave are close enough to matlab for most tasks, and if you don't have an existing codebase then you don't have much to lose. Both lack some of MATLAB's more powerful features, though, and some of the toolboxes. If you are looking to start afresh, maybe a glance at Scipy and Matplotlib for python would be appropriate. Cheers Marc Brooker
Dirk Bruere at NeoPax wrote:

> Quick Q > Can this be used as a replacement for MatLab in VisualAudio filter > development? >
I don't use VisualAudio, so I'm guessing... I used SciLab once to calculate IIR filter coefficients where MatLab failed because of its limited floating point precision (extreme Fs/Fc ratio). SciLab performed almost equal, maybe better with respect to precision of the results. However, SciLab is not so much compatiable to MatLab, that one might expect. I would guess that the combination of both tools uses Matlab's automating capabilities which have not been built into SciLab. Bernhard