
GMSK modulation and its PSD

Started by Unknown February 23, 2008
Hi all
I'm working on GMSK modem simulation in MATLAB. I'm almost done with

the modulation part albeit i'm not sure if the model I used is

adding to my trouble is the ambiguity with the Power Spectral Density

of the GMSK modulated signal (also the MSK modulated signal). Here

writing the algorithm I followed to do the simulation:

bitrate=4000bps BT=0.3

1.calculated the impulse response of the GaussianLPF with the formula

g(t)= convolution(gaussian pulse , rectangular pulse of width T) as

specified in the GSM 5.04 version 8.1.2 Release 1999.
In fact I directly used the impulse response specified in the

following link
2. then I sampled the incoming binary data stream exactly in the middle of the bit period, then over sampled the stream with an over sampling rate of 41 (here in a bit period first 20 samples will be 0 the 21st sample will be +/-1 depending on the data thenext 20 will be 0 again) 3. I convolved these samples with the Impulse response I calculated earlier. 4.then integrated the resulting signal to get 'y' 5.then calculated the I and Q channel streams as I=cos(y),Q=sin(y) then modulated it with a I/Q modulator with Fc(carrier frequency=5000) then I got the modulated signal as shown in the link below for the data:
Does a GMSK modulated signal look like that??? It shows constant amplitude and frequency deviations the Ichannel vs Q channel (baseband) plot is as shown in the following link
It is a circle with radius 1 as is expected of a GMSK signal I calculated its PSD of the above signal using FFT and scaled its frequency axis to 0 to Fs/2 (here Fs=16400Hz) It is in the zoomed in figure(for viewability) shown in following link http://aycu20.webshots.com/image/46459/2003353100129112203_rs.jpg My doubt here is: In many text books and technical papers the PSD of GMSK signal shows a peak at the carrier frequency but in my signal's PSD shows a dip there I'm not getting where I went wrong. PLEASE GUIDE ME WHERE I WENT WRONG AND PLEASE TELL ME THE CORRECT WAY OUT OF THIS PROBLEM