hi, Has anyone here worked on Hidden Markov Models. I am implementing an automatic speech recognition system(identifing words 1 to 5) using wavelet analysis(in Matlab) and I have completed the feature extraction stage now the problem is identifing the word( one to five) from the phoneme sequence . Thats were I plan to use HMMs . Has anyone worked on a similar project. ex : wa wa wa i i i ee ee ee : is the sequence of phoneme i get for the sound five(speaker independent) Wa o o o : is the sequence of phonemes i get when four spoken. wa wa oo ee ee ee: for three I am working with five phonemes wa i ee o oo and I am working to recognize the words one two three four and five spoken by anyone. If anyone has worked on a similar project or can help me with HMMs then please do reply. Thank you, senthil |
hi Hidden Markov Model anyone
Started by ●January 11, 2003