Hi ladies and gentlemen: Yesterday I asked some doubts. Thanks for those who answered but I still have the same problem and I don't know if my Matlab is a bit damaged (java exceptions, out of memory,etc...) or I'm a little dummy with this. 1) The code I use to put an image into the axes created on the GUI window (Tag: axes1) is: setlogo(handles.axes1); where: function setlogo(ax) set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',ax); A = imread('desert_800.jpg','JPG'); image(A); MATLAB says: ??? Error using ==> set Axes must be an existing child of figure. ?? I also tried with: axes(handles.axes1) [X1,map1]=imread('desert_800.jpg'); imshow(X1,map1); and also with (this is the same as the other one) axes(handles.axes1); A = imread('desert_800.jpg','JPG'); image(A); The two last cases opens a different window. I can't show an image or a plot over the axes. I get always the same message: Error using set --> Axes must be a child figure. if someone knows how, please inform me, i'm getting crazy. 2) Passing variables from one GUI to another. There's a push_button that accedes the next block called: codificacion_canal. I want to pass the variable "trama" to it from the current gui. And then from this last block pass two variables to another one called: modul. I've tried putting global variables. function varargout= bloque_fuente(varargin) % BLOQUE_FUENTE Application M-file for bloque_fuente.fig % FIG = BLOQUE_FUENTE launch bloque_fuente GUI. % BLOQUE_FUENTE('callback_name', ...) invoke the named callback. function varargout = continuar_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin) global trama; codificacion_canal(trama); But it doesn't work. Thanks beforehand. greetings, Will |
GUI's Axes and passing Variables
Started by ●May 22, 2003