
pitch detection of speech by wavelet

Started by mahdieh ghazvini June 10, 2003
I am an undergraduate who has been working on my thesis about detecting
pitch in speech signal using wavelet.
I'd like to know what is the best method to do it.


Detecting pitch using wavelets is by splitting the
speech signal into multiple frequency bands by
employing wavelet filters. The fundamental frequency
subband contains pitch. This is called Sub-Band
encoding. It is not as easy as what I have explained,
as it invoves a bit of math behind it. But the matlab
wavlet tool box would be a good startingpoint.

Hope this helps,

--- mahdieh ghazvini <> wrote:
> I am an undergraduate who has been working on my
> thesis about detecting
> pitch in speech signal using wavelet.
> I'd like to know what is the best method to do it.
