I have a data file that I'd really like to load into matlab because it is very convient for me to do the analysis in matlab. Normally between textread and load I don't have a problem doing this, but this file contains 'random' strings every once in a while. Most of the file is numbers (varying ammount of numbers per line) and on line 7 and about every couple hundred lines thereafter there is a line that reads 15 ft BT dB 0.43 .161 Or something similar. Is there a way to either skip over this line when loading it or load the line as a seperate string? |
Help Loading Data
Started by ●June 24, 2003
Reply by ●June 24, 20032003-06-24
Hi, One way is to read the data line by line and check it: *code* fid = fopen('filename.ext','r'); T =''; P=[]; N=0; while ~exist(S,'var') || S~= -1 S = fgetl(fid); if ~isempty(findstr(S,'ft') % suppose 'ft' is typical T = strvcat(T,[num2str(N) ' ' S]); % add to string matrix with the line number of P else P1=str2num(S); if ~isempty(P1) % avoid empty rows N=N+1; [P,P1] = fix_length(P,P1) P(N,:) = P1; end end end %-------------- function [Q,L]=fix_length(Q,L) M=size(Q,2); M1=length(L); if M>M1 L(M1+1:M)=NaN; % file with NaNs elseif M<M1 Q(:,M+1:M1 = NaN; end *code end* This is just one (Non-debugged) possibility. You can improve the fix_length function to put the NaNs at better places if you know, for example, the number of blanks exist in place of a missing number. I hope this helps Joe BSTeX- Equation viewer for Matlab http://www.geocities.com/bstex2001 --- Jon <> wrote: > I have a data file that I'd really like to load into > matlab because > it is very convient for me to do the analysis in > matlab. Normally > between textread and load I don't have a problem > doing this, but this > file contains 'random' strings every once in a > while. Most of the > file is numbers (varying ammount of numbers per > line) and on line 7 > and about every couple hundred lines thereafter > there is a line that > reads > > 15 ft BT dB 0.43 .161 > > Or something similar. Is there a way to either skip > over this line > when loading it or load the line as a seperate > string? > __________________________________ |