Started by ●April 8, 2005
Hi All,
I have a problem, hope you can solve it... I have a random
non-stationary signal, and i have to detect noise which again random
in nature, but if you take noise both noise and signal can be
considered as noise, so in short i have to findout noise in
noise,which is my signal, is there anyway to do such problems,
...signal is 100 muV and noise is also of same amplitde, i am using
WAVELET to decompose the signal from DB6 with level 8 do u have any
idea how to interpret results of space versus time of complex
nonlinear signals ....
If you use higer order probability approach can i get some
results.... plz let me know.
" I learn to know myself: Fresh ways of seeing, thinking and doing "
Rajeev Yadav
Apt. No. 902,
2150 ST MARC,
H3H 2G7
Phone: +1-514-9336681
email: rajeevyadav@raje..., mailme@mail...
"Accept everything about yourself--I mean everything, You are you and
that is the beginning and the end--no apologies, no regrets."
Reply by ●April 11, 20052005-04-11
Hello Rajeev:
I had worked on a similar problem earlier, using adaptive Wiener
filters. But, for non-stationary signals I ended up using Kalman filters
for noise cancellation. They are both based on estimating the original
signal from its noisy measurement by minimizing the mean-squared error
between the two.
I am not sure if this is an approach that might be useful to you. I'd be
interested in knowing more about your problem and how you go about
solving it. Keep me posted,
>Hi All,
>I have a problem, hope you can solve it... I have a random
>non-stationary signal, and i have to detect noise which again random
>in nature, but if you take noise both noise and signal can be
>considered as noise, so in short i have to findout noise in
>noise,which is my signal, is there anyway to do such problems,
>...signal is 100 muV and noise is also of same amplitde, i am using
>WAVELET to decompose the signal from DB6 with level 8 do u have any
>idea how to interpret results of space versus time of complex
>nonlinear signals ....
>If you use higer order probability approach can i get some
>results.... plz let me know.
>" I learn to know myself: Fresh ways of seeing, thinking and doing "
>Rajeev Yadav
>Apt. No. 902,
>2150 ST MARC,
>H3H 2G7
>Phone: +1-514-9336681
>email: rajeevyadav@raje..., mailme@mail...
>"Accept everything about yourself--I mean everything, You are you and
>that is the beginning and the end--no apologies, no regrets."