
3D filtering.

Started by acetone4u2001 August 1, 2005

I am dealing with 3d data. I am supposed to do a 3d fft followed
with a 3d butterworth filter. can somebody tell me how to do it ? (
specificaly multidimensional filtering ? )


El 01/08/2005, a las 18:01, acetone4u2001 escribi:

> I am dealing with 3d data. I am supposed to do a 3d fft followed
> with a 3d butterworth filter. can somebody tell me how to do it ? (
> specificaly multidimensional filtering ? )

For 1D data, you just do a 1D FTT. Easy ;-)

For 1D filtering, you're convolving a signal with filter
coefficients; but on the Fourier domain, that's multiplying frequency
responses; so, basically, you take the FFT of the signal and of the
filter, multiply, and take de IFFT.

For 2D, if A is a 2D matrix, fft2(A) = fft(fft(A,[],1),[],2) fft

For 3D, then, fft3(A) = fft(fft(fft(A,[],1),[],2),[],3);

Remember that, to build A in 3D you need cat; for instance:

A = cat(3,cat(3,rand(8,8),rand(8,8)),rand(8,8));


A(:,:,1) = rand(8,8);
A(:,:,2) = rand(8,8);
A(:,:,3) = rand(8,8);

Both give the same result;

For the 3D filtering, you'll have to 3d-fft your 3d data, multiply it
by the 3D fourier transform of your 3D filter, and ifft in 3D.

Juan de Dios Santander Vela
Diplomado en CC. Fsicas, Ingeniero en Electrnica
Doctorando en Tecnologas Multimedia
Becario Predoctoral del Instituto de Astrofsica de Andaluca

Ed Cunningham: Amigos son esos extraos seres que nos preguntan cmo
estamos y se esperan a or la contestacin.

On 8/2/05, Juan de Dios Santander Vela <juandesant@juan...> wrote:
> El 01/08/2005, a las 18:01, acetone4u2001 escribi:
> Both give the same result;
> For the 3D filtering, you'll have to 3d-fft your 3d data, multiply it
> by the 3D fourier transform of your 3D filter, and ifft in 3D.

I got my 3D data imported into a 3d matrix, took the 3d fft. What
i am stuck at is filtering,

I understand that in frequency domain, its multiplication, and in
spatial domain its convolution.

Something Like Butterworth filter are frequency based filters, and
i am not able to construct
them in 3d dimensions.

1D is trivial, but cannot proceed further. -Ankur.

El 02/08/2005, a las 18:39, Ankit Khare escribi

> Something Like Butterworth filter are frequency based filters, and
> i am not able to construct
> them in 3d dimensions.
> 1D is trivial, but cannot proceed further.

Remember that the fft can is 2*pi periodic, and is symmetric around
0, and anti-symmetric around pi... For 2D, a low-pass filter
remembers a round or square hat (square if filter is made of
separable 1d filters)... In 3D, a low-pass filter remembers a ball,
or a cube (if it's a separable filter), in the 3d frequency domain...

Juan de Dios Santander Vela
Diplomado en CC. Ficas, Ingeniero en Electrica
Doctorando en Tecnologs Multimedia
Becario Predoctoral del Instituto de Astrofica de Andaluc

Hellen Keller: Cuando una puerta a la felicidad se cierra, otra se
abre; pero a veces nos quedamos tanto tiempo frente a la puerta
cerrada que no vemos la que se nos ha abierto.


> Something Like Butterworth filter are frequency based filters, and
> i am not able to construct
> them in 3d dimensions.

Think about filter coefficients that change slowly over time. Then you would have a
frequency response on 3 axes: freq, magnitude, time.


Also note that you need to apply the filter on each
For example it is a 2D image
First perform the filtering to the rows = result1.
Perform column filtering to the column elements of
result1 = final result.
You can continue with other dimensions

This is a general rule in Multi D filtering.

--- Jeff Brower <jbrower@jbro...> wrote:

> Ankit-
> > Something Like Butterworth filter are frequency
> based filters, and
> > i am not able to construct
> > them in 3d dimensions.
> Think about filter coefficients that change slowly
> over time. Then you would have a
> frequency response on 3 axes: freq, magnitude,
> time.
> -Jeff

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