
reconstructing the gray scale image from binary

Started by swathi sairam September 1, 2008
 In my watermarking project, I detect edges and embed my watermark in high intensity regions of the edges in the host gray scale image. So the host image will be transformed into binary image while applying edge detection algorithm.Now my problem is how to reconstruct the binary edge detected image to the corresponding gray scale image.

the code upto this is:

image_1 = imread('lena.png');
edge_1 = edge(image_1,'canny');
and doing the embedding.....

while reconstructing after embedding i get only the binary image.
please give me any idea for the reconstruction of the binary image to the corresponding gray scale image.
> In my watermarking project, I detect edges and embed my watermark in high intensity regions of the edges in the host gray scale image. So the host image will be transformed into binary image while applying edge detection algorithm.Now my problem is how to reconstruct the binary edge detected image to the corresponding gray scale image.
>the code upto this is:
>image_1 = imread('lena.png');
>edge_1 = edge(image_1,'canny');

>and doing the embedding.....
>while reconstructing after embedding i get only the binary image.
>please give me any idea for the reconstruction of the binary image to the corresponding gray scale image.

Try this

image_gray_scale = im2uint(image_binary);

Hope this helps!