
codewarrior postlinker

Started by max_mont September 8, 2003

Do you know how we could set an option in a project to add a command
in the postlinker panel.
I try it but the panel is disable : I just can select "NONE".

Thanks in advance for your help.

See you.


CodeWarrior IDE for DSP56800 doesn't reqire a post-linker, so you can only choose "None" in the target settings panel.
Some other build targets have post-linkers that perform additional work, such as data-format conversion, on the final executable file. For instance, CodeWarrior for StarCore has post-linker option SC100 ELF to LOD.
Hope it helps

max_mont <m...@yahoo.fr> wrote:

Do you know how we could set an option in a project to add a command
in the postlinker panel.
I try it but the panel is disable : I just can select "NONE".

Thanks in advance for your help.

See you.


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Thanks for your help but you don't solve my problem.

In fact, I'd just like to execute a bat file to rename the elf
generated file with the current date.

Have you got an idea ???

Thanks in advance.



There are no postlinkers shipped with the Hawk products. So it's impossible to
run a .bat file after linking without writing a post linker that would do just

Hong max_mont <> wrote:

Thanks for your help but you don't solve my problem.

In fact, I'd just like to execute a bat file to rename the elf
generated file with the current date.

Have you got an idea ???

Thanks in advance.


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Yeah, I had this problem.  Couldn't come up with a real integrated solution, but I did define a menu entry that ran a batch file and did what I wanted it to do.  I also mapped the menu entry to a button.
My build process is now: 1) link normally, 2) click the special button.
If you're not familar with it, it a may take a little experimentation.
If you haven't already done so, read up on "Customizing the IDE".  In V4.1, there was a selection under the EDIT menu, labeled "Commands and Key Bindings".  Selecting this caused a "Customize IDE Commands" window to appear.  I suspect there is something similar in the current version.
Here's how it works in V4.1:
In the "Customize IDE Commands" window, you select a menu heading where you want the new command to appear, and click New command.  You then fill in the name of the New Command, fill out the fields for "Execute" and "Arguments", and check the "Appears in Menus" box.  I run under Windows NT. The  Execute field is "cmd.exe"; the Arguments  field is "/c %projectFileDir\mybatch.bat".  Don't forget to click the Save button or the changes won't take.
Creating the button is accomplished by dragging the icon for new command to the menu bar.
Hope this helps.
-- Bill

William C. Yochum               Microwave Data Systems Inc.
Principal Eng./Software         175 Science Parkway
Phone: (585) 242-8319           Rochester, NY 14620
FAX:   (585) 241-5590           USA

 -----Original Message-----
From: max_mont [mailto:m...@yahoo.fr]
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 10:24 AM
To: m...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [motoroladsp] codewarrior postlinker


Thanks for your help but you don't solve my problem.

In fact, I'd just like to execute a bat file to rename the elf
generated file with the current date.

Have you got an idea ???

Thanks in advance.



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