
56F8013 Serial BootLoader

Started by manish agarwal September 6, 2005

Iam developing an application for inverter/ups using 56F8013,i have few queries regarding bootloader.

Whenever we download our application s-record file serialy bootloader gets erased,now before downloading s-record file (our application) again we have to download the bootloader.mcp through JTAG first and then our application s-record file.
how do i preserve the bootloader program within the processor so that we do not need to programm bootloader again through JTAG (as we dont want to use JTAG as we need no. of I/Os for our application)?

For sometimes we have not been able to download bootloader program as i make/build the program using code warrior (iam using code warrior 7.0 with 7.2 patch update) i get an error
<could not find or load the file "serialBootloader.pdf" for target "smm pROM-xRAM" for project "demo_serial_bootloader.mcp">.
where could the problem be?
iam attaching the project:"demo_serial_bootloader.mcp", kindly look into the code and let us know the solution.
