
Bootloading through CAN bus

Started by Mohammad Serjooei - Kar-Tech, Inc. December 5, 2002
We've been using bootloader initially JTAGed into Boot Flash in order to
download the application code via serial port. At the moment we need to
download the application code via CAN bus instead of serial port. Our major
problem is the small size of boot flash which is almost filled with the supplied

bootloader by CW and made it impossible to change bootloader to interface
through CAN bus to get the application code. Has anybody any experience in
this regard.
I would appreciate any information regarding this.
MohammadKar-Tech Inc.
Tel: (262) 646-9444 ext. 232
Fax: (262) 646-9445

Visit us on the web at http://www.kar-tech.com

I am not completly sure on your question. But you can obviuosly replace the standard bootloader with one of your own design using the CAN bus. The code and project for the standard bootloader is included in the SDK so you can use this code as a starting place if you wish. The standard boot loader has some functionality that you might not need and can out such as the ability to program partial pages of flash.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mohammad Serjooei - Kar-Tech, Inc. [mailto:M...@kar-tech.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 9:14 AM
To: m...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [motoroladsp] Bootloading through CAN bus

We've been using bootloader initially JTAGed into Boot Flash in order to
download the application code via serial port. At the moment we need to
download the application code via CAN bus instead of serial port. Our major
problem is the small size of boot flash which is almost filled with the supplied
bootloader by CW and made it impossible to change bootloader to interface
through CAN bus to get the application code. Has anybody any experience in
this regard.
I would appreciate any information regarding this.
MohammadKar-Tech Inc.
Tel:  (262) 646-9444   ext. 232
Fax:  (262) 646-9445
E-mail:  m...@kar-tech.com

Visit us on the web at http://www.kar-tech.com

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