

Re: Tones in sigma delta modulator and dithering

Reply posted 7 years ago (07/26/2018)
The period of the signal 01010101 is 2 and that of 00010001 is 4. the frequency of 010101 is twice that of 000100010001. The sampling time of 010101 is half that...

Re: Tones in sigma delta modulator and dithering

Reply posted 7 years ago (07/26/2018)
Sir,Basically I am new to DSP and trying to understand it through experiments. I would appreciate if you could suggest me any good material to understand this.

Re: Tones in sigma delta modulator and dithering

Reply posted 7 years ago (07/26/2018)
Sir,Thank you so much for the reply. But the doubt I have is very basic. When I have Vref ranging from -1 to 1 and input is DC 0 V, the output is 0101010101. This...

Tones in sigma delta modulator and dithering

New thread started 7 years ago
Why are there tones present in 1st order sigma delta modulator and supressed in the second? Why are there tones for DC input in sigma delta modulator? Given Vref...

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