Marjan Prodanov (@max3031)
Dear,I have a dynamic animation of the train going up and down like a rollercoaster. Problem is since this animation is choppy and dynamics of the animation is affected. From...
Hi Mr. Dan,Whole goal is to robustly suppress noise while maintaining smooth response.Yes that can be the solution. Quantization steps/thresholds as I made this...
Hi Mr. Dan,Yes I see your point. However this looks like it was modeled with EWMA or first order iir. The way it is done is non-linear for sure. Reason why was to...
Hi Mr. Lyons,I will try to explain. I used fixed 0.04 quantization stepsSo at first if (abs(x[n] - y[n-1])) < 0.02 step = 0 (just in first case 0.02 is used)else...
Hi Mr. Artmez,Yes it is correct. This is like a weighted filter. You may see how usual simple first order IIR output response compares with this differenced IIR....
I have all math capabilities and there is no problem of doing it in double precision.All that I am concerned with is weather my filter is stable? I divided the difference...
Well these are questions that I would like to learn. Real world examples of when this kind of processing is used.alfa term is just a constant forgetting rate. It...
Hi,I am dealing with the first order iir filter. Formula is y[n] = y[n-1] + alfa*(x[n] - y[n-1]). x[n] is new input sample while y[n] is the output. I quantized...
Ok I can accept that system is non-linear and that there is some kind of limiter. But the question is how to implement that? I am not interested in some simple ad-hoc...
And how to obtain desired_signal max? I don't have that information. All I have is the input signal from input.txt. That is why I told you it can be achieved with...
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