
Stephen Itschner (@nehpetsa)

Re: Cross Correlation with Increasing Finite functions

Reply posted 7 years ago (07/06/2017)
Yes, I have indeed discovered this. The approach does not work particularly well for my application. Can you recommend an alternative approach?

Re: Cross Correlation with Increasing Finite functions

Reply posted 7 years ago (07/05/2017)
This is an incredibly crafty solution! That actually works, after a fashion. It does not succeed in giving me a peak, but it puts a very clearly differentiable "knee"...

Re: Cross Correlation with Increasing Finite functions

Reply posted 7 years ago (07/05/2017)
Thank you so much for taking a look! I tried implementing that, and it seems to work better than before, but there is still not a well defined peak occurring at...
I am trying to use cross correlation to find the time delay between two signals. Both signals follow a logarithmic growth pattern, but are sampled for the same...

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