
Robert Scott (@tunelabguy)

Embedded systems developer and mobile app developer.

Re: Extract pitch of irregular signal ?

Reply posted 5 years ago (11/02/2019)
These are some very interesting ideas.  I wonder if perhaps I have an error in my implementation of autocorrelation because it is not at all obvious from the graph...

Re: Extract pitch of irregular signal ?

Reply posted 5 years ago (11/02/2019)
When you say "irregular waveforms" do you mean severely aperiodic?  Have you listened to the audio clip I posted, and does it sound like what you method has worked...

Re: Extract pitch of irregular signal ?

Reply posted 5 years ago (11/02/2019)
The sample rate for analysis is 44,100 sps.  It is DC-centered and there is a slight amount of trapezoidal windowing - a ramp up at the beginning and a ramp down...

Extract pitch of irregular signal ?

New thread started 5 years ago
I have tried both autocorrelation and a simple FFT power spectrum, but I cannot see how I can extract the tone of this audio signal: www.tunelab-world.com/irregular-engine.wav I...

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