Reply by Bob Kruse March 5, 20062006-03-05
Hi all,

I got the transmit and receive portions to work with help from a couple of
newsgroup replies. My project is for a custom board, with different dai pins
from the eval board, and it's a vdk project using the ADSP21262, so it
just be a drop in for you. It might be help anyway so I'm sending it along.
I'm not sending the complete project, just the parts about the UART. Let me
know if you have trouble, I'll try to help.

Bob Kruse
Control Gaging, Inc.
5200 Venture Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
	-----Original Message-----
From: adsp@adsp... [mailto:adsp@adsp...]
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2006 10:53 AM
To: adsp@adsp...
Subject: [adsp] Digest Number 1360
	There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. EE-191 Software UART for ADSP21262
           From: omalley.ronan@omal...
      2. EE-191 Software UART for ADSP21364
           From: "Ronan" <omalley.ronan@omal...>
      3. ADS8344 and BF533
           From: "shwetha Belame" <jshwetha@jshw...>
      4. LED Blinking
           From: Giovanni Parodi <giovanniparodi79@giov...>

Message: 1
   Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 12:04:24 -0500
   From: omalley.ronan@omal...
Subject: EE-191 Software UART for ADSP21262

hey guys, anyone successfully translate this?  my attempt seems to have
failed, im using the adsp-21364.

any response greatly appreciated


Message: 2
   Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 16:13:13 -0000
   From: "Ronan" <omalley.ronan@omal...>
Subject: EE-191 Software UART for ADSP21364


I want to implement MIDI interface on EZ-KIT lite with ADSP21364, just
the RX part. I have tried to modify the EE-191 'glueless software
uart' code for my processor but havent been able to get anything to work.

Has anyone successfully ported code from EE-191 to an adsp processor
other than the 21161?

Many thanks

Ronan O'Malley

Message: 3
   Date: 3 Mar 2006 21:09:57 -0000
   From: "shwetha Belame" <jshwetha@jshw...>
Subject: ADS8344 and BF533


I want to interface the A/D(ADS833) from TI with BF533.
This A/D has a serial interface. I have following question

in the SPORT chapter they tell that.......


"The data received on the primary and secondary pins is interleaved in main
memory"  in this sentence does the main memory mean the on chip SDRAM (L1
data memory)? (I am not planning to have any external memory on my board.)

"For receive, the data bits (DRxPRI and DRxSEC) are synchronous to the
receive clock (RSCLKx). The serial clock is an output if the processor
generates it, or an input if the clock is externally generated. Frame
synchronization signals RFSx  is  used to indicate the start of a serial
data word or stream of serial words."

This A/D ( ADS8344, from TI) has a pin (DCLK) which is a serial/conversion
clk. and the clock speed determines the conversion rate given by Fclk
=24*Fsample  so I was woundering to which pin of SPORT this should be
connected is it the RSCLKx  or  DRxPRI.

and what has to be done to the other that is not connected?

and  another pin  ( Din) a serial data pin thor' which you have to tell
every time from which of the 8 i/p channels the sample should be converted.
I  don't know as to where this pin has to be connected on BF533??
In my application this is the only device that is interfaced with the BF533
and has to selected from the time the board is powered the CS/ ( chip
select , pin that is active low) can that be held low all always? how do I
do that?

I hope to hear from you all at the earliest

Thanks in advance,



Message: 4
   Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 14:12:05 +0100 (CET)
   From: Giovanni Parodi <giovanniparodi79@giov...>
Subject: LED Blinking

Hello everybody, I bought a used BF533 EZ-KIT LITE
board and I would ike to use it. However when I
connect it to the PC the LED start blinking in a
circular way and the board is not recognized by the
Visual DSP++ installation.
I think this is a flash memory problem.
So I would like if there is someone that can provide
me an help solving this problem. I have the JTAG
emulator, so I can try to program the flash but I need
a fresh "image".
Thanks a lot
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Reply by Bernhard Holzmayer March 9, 20062006-03-09
Hi all,

I'll have to connect (USB) a Linux box with a Sharc-board (dspstak 21369), 
which is very much like the 21369 EZ board with Sharc USB Extender (NET2272 
(I know that VDSP++ provides a couple of files for Windows )

Did anyone do this with Linux before? 
Or is anybody currently working on this?

Probably this is just a generic NET2272 driver, which would lead to a common 
Linux task then (and I had better ask elsewhere).

Nevertheless, there might be special issues and somebody knows... 

Any hints are welcome.


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