Reply by a_a_khattab October 5, 20092009-10-05
I'm trying to use ODE45 to solve a system of nonlinear differential equation with if condition
My problem is i want to record the function as well as the derivatives of the original equation as well
I created two files one for the function and the other for ode45 solver
as follows:

myode_ex1 function:
function [dydt k] = myode_ex1(t, y)
% this functin are used to show the value of the passed out parameter of ODE45
if y(1)>0
k*sin(5*t); %external force
else k=5*sin(5*t);

the main file:
t=[0 0.35];yo=[1 2];
[T Y] = ode45(@myode_ex1, t, yo);
[dydt k] = myode_ex1(T, Y);

but i get an error message and not able to get the second line to be executed

There is a posting in Mathworks about how to record the drivative as well as a function using ODE45 in this location:, but in this example, ODE solves a single linear equation

your suggestions, comments, and help are very appreciated and important to me
