
Simultaneously Computing a Forward FFT and an Inverse FFT Using a Single FFT

Rick LyonsJanuary 13, 20095 comments

Most of us are familiar with the processes of using a single N-point complex FFT to: (1) perform a 2N-point FFT on real data, and (2) perform two independent N-point FFTs on real data [1–5]. In case it's of interest to someone out there, this blog gives the algorithm for simultaneously computing a forward FFT and an inverse FFT using a single radix-2 FFT.

Our algorithm is depicted by the seven steps, S1 through S7, shown in Figure 1. In that figure, we compute the x(n) inverse FFT of the N-point frequency-domain conjugate symmetric input sequence X(m), as well as compute the Y(m) forward FFT of the N-point time-domain real-valued input sequence y(n) using the single complex FFT in step S4. Sample indices n and m both range from 0 to N–1 where N is an integer power of two.

Figure 1.

At first glance Figure 1 looks more complicated than it actually is, and here's why:

  • Steps S1 and S2 create a complex sequence that we call v(n).
  • Step S1 generates the first N/2+1 samples of v(n) based on the real-valued input sequence y(n).
  • Step S2 extends v(n) to a length of N samples and forces v(n) to be conjugate symmetric. The '*' symbol in step S2 means conjugation.
  • Step S3 combines the conjugate symmetric sequences X(m) and v(n) to create a sequence we call z(n). (Sequence z(n) is not conjugate symmetric.)
  • Step S4 is the algorithm's single radix-2 FFT operation, generating complex sequence Z(m).
  • Step S5 generates the desired real-valued x(n) time sequence by performing a circular reversal of the real part of Z(m). (That is, other than the first sample, the real part of Z(m) samples are reversed in order to produce x(n).)
  • Steps S6 and S7 generate the desired frequency-domain Y(m) sequence.
  • Step S6 generates the first N/2+1 samples of Y(m).
  • Step S7 extends the sequence from step S6 to a length of N samples, and forces conjugate symmetry, to produce Y(m). The '*' symbol in step S7 means conjugation.

I didn't invent this algorithm. Figure 1 is my interpretation and implementation of the discussion in Reference [6]. The Figure 1 algorithm's computational workload is one complex N-point FFT and roughly 2N additions/subtractions.

Below is a bit of MATLAB code demonstrating the process in Figure 1.

clear all, clc
% Create test input vectors
    True_x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
    X = fft(True_x);
    y = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8];
    True_Y = fft(y)
N = length(X);
% Create vector "v"
    v(1) = 2*y(1);       % Zero Hz sample
    for p = 2:N/2        % Create 1st half of vector "v"
        v(p) = y(p) + y(N-p+2) + j*(y(p) -y(N-p+2));
    v(N/2+1) = 2*y(N/2+1);  % Fs/2 sample
    % Append conj. 2nd part of "v" vector
        v(N/2+2:N) = fliplr(conj(v(2:N/2))); 
% Create vector "z"
    z = real(X) -imag(v) + j*(imag(X) + real(v));
% Perform single FFT
    Z = fft(z); 
% Create time-domain vector "x"
    Real_Z = real(Z);
    x = [Real_Z(1), fliplr(Real_Z(2:end))]/N
% Create freq-domain vector "Y"
    Imag_Z = imag(Z);
    Y(1) = Imag_Z(1)/2; % Zero Hz sample
    for p = 2:N/2       % Create 1st half of vector "Y"
        Y(p) = (Imag_Z(p) + Imag_Z(N-p+2) + ...
            j*(Imag_Z(N-p+2) - Imag_Z(p)))/4;
    Y(N/2+1) = Imag_Z(N/2+1)/2; % Fs/2 sample
    % Append conj. 2nd part of "Y" vector
        Y(N/2+2:N) = fliplr(conj(Y(2:N/2)))
% Stick a fork in me.  I'm done.

[1] Lyons, R. Understanding Digital Signal Processing, 2/E, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 2004, pp. 488-500.

[2] Brigham, E. The fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988.

[3] Sorenson, H. et al., "Real Valued Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms," IEEE Trans. on Acoust. Speech, and Signal Proc., Vol. ASSP 35, No. 6, June 1987.

[4] Cooley, J. et al., "The Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm: Programming Considerations In the Calculation of Sine, Cosine and Laplace Transforms," Journal Sound Vib., Vol. 12, July 1970.

[5] Burrus, C. et al., Computer-Based Exercises for Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1994, pp. 53.

[6] Moshe, S. and Hertz, D. "On computing DFT of real N-point vector and IDFT of DFT-transformed real N-point vector via single DFT", Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, Volume: 6, Issue: 6, June 1999, p. 141.

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Comment by asiaJanuary 26, 2009
I really appreciate this site , and I would like to say lets work hard by sharing our knowledge to make this world a better place to live for all human beings! thanks
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Comment by ruturajDFebruary 18, 2009
This method will be useful if some one is using complex FFT algorithm for real input. Here we are trying to put another sequenc inplace of imaginary part. I think this method will not give any time advantage. I think this is same as computing FFT of 2 real N-point sequence with N-point complex FFT.
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Comment by commengrJuly 5, 2009
maybe not related to the topic, but hey I really appreciate his skills. I just hope Rick Lyons would cover more topics of DSP (course book) in his next book... if he intends to write a new one
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Comment by qasim_chaudhariMay 26, 2011
In my opinion, this technique was first proposed by Jacob Gunther in "Simultaneous DFT and IDFT of real N-point sequences", JH Gunther - Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, 2002.
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Comment by Rick LyonsMay 26, 2011
Hello thesdr, Please have a look at: "Moshe, S. and Hertz, D. "On computing DFT of real N-point vector and IDFT of DFT-transformed real N-point vector via single DFT", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, Volume: 6, Issue: 6, June 1999, p. 141." [-Rick-]

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