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Frequency Plots: freqplot.m

Figure J.3: Compatibility matlab function for plotting a real-valued function versus frequency--Octave version.

function freqplot(fdata, ydata, symbol, ttl, xlab, ylab)
% FREQPLOT - Plot a function of frequency:
%   freqplot(fdata[,ydata[,symbol[,title[,xlab[,ylab]]]]])
%   This version is most compatible with Octave.
%   In Matlab, the title and axis labels may be lost.
%   For Matlab compatibility, move the plot() command
%   before title() and axis label commands.

  if nargin<6, ylab=''; end
  if nargin<5, xlab='Frequency'; end
  if nargin<4, ttl=''; end
  if nargin<3, symbol=''; end
  if nargin<2, ydata=fdata; fdata=0:length(ydata)-1; end

  if ttl, title(ttl); end
  if length(ylab)>0, ylabel(ylab); end
  if length(xlab)>0, xlabel(xlab); end

Figure J.4: Compatibility matlab function for plotting a real-valued function--Matlab version.

function freqplot(fdata, ydata, symbol, ttl, xlab, ylab)
% FREQPLOT - Plot a function of time, Matlab version.

  if nargin<6, ylab=''; end
  if nargin<5, xlab='Frequency (Hz)'; end
  if nargin<4, ttl=''; end
  if nargin<3, symbol=''; end
  if nargin<2, fdata=0:length(ydata)-1; end

  plot(fdata,ydata,symbol); grid;
  if ttl, title(ttl); end
  if ylab, ylabel(ylab); end

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Saving Plots to Disk: saveplot.m
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Time Plots: myplot.m