Making White Noise with Dice
An example of a digital white noise generator is the sum of a pair of dice minus 7. We must subtract 7 from the sum to make it zero mean. (A nonzero mean can be regarded as a deterministic component at dc, and is thus excluded from any pure noise signal for our purposes.) For each roll of the dice, a number between and is generated. The numbers are distributed binomially between and , but this has nothing to do with the whiteness of the number sequence generated by successive rolls of the dice. The value of a single die minus would also generate a white noise sequence, this time between and and distributed with equal probability over the six numbers
(C.27) |
To obtain a white noise sequence, all that matters is that the dice are sufficiently well shaken between rolls so that successive rolls produce independent random numbers.C.4
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Independent Implies Uncorrelated
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