Matlab listing: invmyspectrogram.m
function a = invmyspectrogram(b,hop) %INVMYSPECTROGRAM Resynthesize a signal from its spectrogram. % A = INVMYSPECTROGRAM(B,NHOP) % B = complex array of STFT values as generated by MYSPECTROGRAM. % The number of rows of B is taken to be the FFT size, NFFT. % INVMYSPECTROGRAM resynthesizes A by inverting each frame of the % FFT in B, and overlap-adding them to the output array A. % NHOP is the overlap-add offset between successive IFFT frames. % % See also: MYSPECTROGRAM [nfft,nframes] = size(b); No2 = nfft/2; % nfft assumed even a = zeros(1, nfft+(nframes-1)*hop); xoff = 0 - No2; % output time offset = half of FFT size for col = 1:nframes fftframe = b(:,col); xzp = ifft(fftframe); % xzp = real(xzp); % if signal known to be real x = [xzp(nfft-No2+1:nfft); xzp(1:No2)]; if xoff<0 % FFT's "negative-time indices" are out of range ix = 1:xoff+nfft; a(ix) = a(ix) + x(1-xoff:nfft)'; % partial frames out else ix = xoff+1:xoff+nfft; a(ix) = a(ix) + x'; % overlap-add reconstruction end xoff = xoff + hop; end
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