Laurent KOPP (@LKopp)
Hello,Why not trying something like a sweep with various bandwidth and central frequency. The result is intuitive and easy to test..Regards. Laurent
Hello Kousik,It seems to me that you are experiencing what is called as "Brownian" motion. Integration white noise (zero mean) should provide an estimate with a...
Hi Mannai-Signal Processing is indeed a frustrating discipline. It's like DNA for living bodies, everybody knows it's there and essential but very few really care,...
To my knowledge both are familiar but Delta-Sigma seems more matched to the functional description of the convertor (make a difference and then average for spectral...
HelloThe sinc(x)=sin(x)/x goes to 1 when x goes to 0... sin(x) and x both goes to 0 but the ratio does not. When x is small sin(x) is equivalent to x-x³/6 so the...
I don't know this book either...But the figure is indeed confusingThe Sinc function (of m) should peak at m=k, as it does, because the cosine has k periods in the...
Hello Groger, I am not sure to fully appreciate your problem and probably the previous answers would do the job nicely, but what strikes me is that you have a family...
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