
Milad Omidi (@Mil1o)

Typically tutorials and articles explaining OLA (like the one on the website https://www.dsprelated.com/freebooks/sasp/Overlap_...)start with the simple use case...
The input is 48KHz audio signal. In the side chain I am want to measure the rms in low frequencies so first I apply a low pass filter (around 200 Hz). (I can downsample...
Thanks. But still my main question is does it help if instead of cascading I put them in parallel?
Can you elaborate? Do I need to use antialiasing filter and downsample it?Doesn't decimation add to the delay itself?This whole rms filter is a side chain and the...
Hello,I am using a lowpass biquad to measure rms of a signal (fc 10 Hz, FS=48K).It is not smooth enough so I would want to increase the order but If I do that by...
When filtering a sinusoid with an IIR filter (50 Hz cutoff- highpass filter, Fs=48K ) I observed that the group delay that matlab shows me does not match the...

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