
Billy K (@ReachRF)

Billy, Ph.D. is an active researcher in the connected vehicle industry. His doctorate work discovered new characteristics about the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) wireless channel and the V2V physical layer, which he applies in ReachRF consulting services. He is a member of the IEEE, NSF Awardee, international speaker, a 2017 ITS World Congress presenter, and published author in prestigious wireless communication technical venues.

Jeff,  My sincere gratitude for your reply. Thoughtful, and insightful.  This is where I have struggled, too. In the literature, I first heard of "Doppler domain"...
Hello colleagues,   Background: I've performed some measurements of Doppler shift in a mobile wireless channel with both transmitter (continuous wave) and receiver...
Your analysis is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much for your responses, I hope that the community at large will benefit from this thread.
@Slartibartfast Target Signal Specs:Sub-carrier Spacing: 50KhzNumber of sub-carriers: 4096Right now I'm only concerned about observing the QAM constellation for a...
Target signal: OFDM rated for a 204.8MHz sampling rate.Challenge: Limited to 20MHz sampling rate. Status: I can view the power spectrum of the sub-carriers I'm...

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