
Abel Borges Jr (@abelb0rges)

I received a BSc degree on Statistics from the Department of Statistics @ Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. Currently, I am a MSc candidate on the same department. I study fast algorithms for the approximate computation of common (linear) transforms in DSP, specially the DFT.

Re: correlation for complex number

Reply posted 7 years ago (01/02/2018)
Your question is related to the definition of an inner product space over the field of complex numbers (see this). Such definition gives a nice, natural extension...
Don't you think Fourier analysis is precisely about such cases?Given [enough samples of] a periodic signal, there is a usually simpler representation of it...
Hi, aarash. Do you mean qualitative measures of similarity? It seems a bit vague to me what kind of comparison between s1 and s2 you intend to do (if it is not...

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