
Gerardo Medrano (@gmedrano)

Gerardo is an Electrical Engineer specialised in Control Systems Design for Drives and Renewable Energy integration.

Re: Moving the notches of a Moving Average Filter

Reply posted 2 months ago (05/30/2024)
Hi Dan!My issue here is that the filter goes in a FPGA and it is implemented recursively, like an interpolator (comb stage + integrator stage). This means I cannot...

Moving the notches of a Moving Average Filter

New thread started 2 months ago
Hi!Is there a way of slightly moving all the notches of a recursive MAV filter without changing the sampling period?The order of my filter is 16, and changing it...
Hi, there is an approach using a modified z-transform, coined 'delta operator'. Check:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1187464Regards

Re: What is the cost of a typical MSEE degree?

Reply posted 5 years ago (12/17/2019)
The price of a similar MSEE in Spain is under 2000€ for two years of tution so I reckon Coursera and platforms like it won't be cashing up very well here.

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