
Kanru Hua (@khuasw)

Undergraduate researcher (class of 19') at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Supervised by Prof. Jont B Allen. Research interest: speech synthesis, speech analysis/synthesis, fundamental frequency estimation. IEEE associate member since 2014.

Re: Real Time DSP - Conversion Time for Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/30/2017)
Question - how did you measure the latency of a pitch-shifted signal?More exactly asking, if pitch-shifting is defined as preserving either the amplitude of the...

Re: IIR filters

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/30/2017)
Malcom Slaney used a system cascading 4 2nd-order IIRs in his implementation of the Gammatone filterbank for psychoacoustic simulations. Each impulse response is...

Re: IIR filters

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/30/2017)
I‘d like to point out that there certainly exist asymmetric FIR filters with non-linear phase responses. For example, you can convert the frequency response of...

Re: Frequency Interpolation Algorithms

Reply posted 7 years ago (10/18/2017)
Looks like you're doing some sinusoidal analysis. Julius Smith's good old Quadratic Interpolated FFT (QIFFT) is a good place to start from. https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~abemoto/abe-aes04.pdfThis...

Re: LPC to LSP Confusion...

Reply posted 7 years ago (10/04/2017)
The conversion from LPC coefficients to LSP involves polynomial root finding. It is well-known that closed form for the roots doesn't exist for order > 4 polynomials....
It won't work at all on noisy signal for there's not much periodicity to begin with.AFAIK, there's not so much entirely time-domain compression algorithms for noisy...

Re: Calculating Noise Level of a Pool

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/18/2017)
You forgot to window the signal before taking FFT. If the input is white noise, windowing doesn't matter (but there wouldn't be any merit of computing the spectrum...

Re: Enhancing multivariate signals

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/18/2017)
Why would you treat all signals independently? There exists methods such as Kalman filter that leverage the multivariate nature of the signal.
If you're talking about domain-specific applications and excluding methods that have a popular frequency domain interpretation (such as LPC/LSF), a dirty trick I...
I think your guesses are correct. The mathematical construction of GMMs allows people to apply fancy training criterion, especially those that make statistical sense,...
In the early days of speech recognition vector quantization (VQ) was a commonly used technique for reducing the feature space to a more tractable size.They first...
Hi everyone I've been following this site for a while. This is my first post.My research area is speech synthesis. To be more specific, speech analysis-synthesis,...

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