
Seyit Yiğit SIZLAYAN (@sysizlayan)

My main objective in electrical and electronics engineering discipline is working on fully autonomous robots. My division of interests is embedded autonomous control and communication softwares on a microprocessor or FPGA platforms. Projects involving design, research and development of these are my main focuses.

Re: Starting point for non-gaussian estimation

Reply posted 6 years ago (09/28/2018)
Actually I am using an encoder on a motor and I need to estimate the position of the motor. The problem was the quantization. The encoder resolution is not high,...

Starting point for non-gaussian estimation

New thread started 6 years ago
Hi,I am currently working on a device which uses a sensor whose noise characteristic is uniformly distributed. In detail, the sensor has quantization error. The...
Hi,I am currently working on a direct drive haptic pedal project which requires real time position and velocity measurements.To reach highest rate, I am currently...

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