
Travis Cuvelier (@tcc54)

BS '15 , M.Eng. '16 Cornell University, pursuing a doctorate at the Wireless Systems Innovation Laboratory at UT Austin after graduation in May. Primary interests are communications signal processing, remote sensing, inference, and information theory. Interned previously at LGS Innovations, currently perenial graduate intern/on call communications engineer at The MITRE Corporation.

Re: Decimation by 2

Reply posted 8 years ago (01/15/2017)
The short answer is it kinda depends. What you you mean that you "first apply an FIR filter"? Did you mean "low pass" instead of "finite impulse response"? As...

Re: Symbol Timing Recovery

Reply posted 8 years ago (04/13/2016)
On your first point, I believe the answer is yes. In the second case, I've also found the literature to be somewhat ambiguous. It seems to me that you can adjust...

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