
This function helps in converting linear phase fir filter transfer function to min phase fir filter transfer function

January 31, 20111 comment Coded in Matlab
function [hn_min] = lp_fir_2_mp_fir(hn_lin)

% This function helps in converting the linear phase 
% FIR filter to minimum phase FIR filter. It essentially 
% brings all zeros which are outside the unit circle to 
% inside of unit circle.

r 	= roots(hn_lin);
k	= abs(r) > 1.01;
r1  	= r(k);		% roots outside of unit circle.
r2	= r(~k);% roots on or within the unit circle
s	= [1./r1; r2];
hn_min	= poly(s);
hn_min	= hn_min*sqrt(sum(hn_lin.^2))/sqrt(sum(hn_min.^2));