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Sliding FFT (Maximum Overlap), Any Window, Zero-Padded by 5

This example is practical in research applications. With powerful computers and large disks, why not set the FFT hop size to $ R=1$ and avoid all aliasing entirely? In the early days of computer music, this was the normal choice in phase-vocoder analysis for additive synthesisG.10), and it is of course far more affordable now. For aggressive spectral modifications, the sliding FFT ($ R=1$ ) generally yields the best quality results. Additionally, the signal analyzed can be oversampled so that the frequency domain has a large extended area where nonlinear distortion products can ``land'' without aliasing. As an example, ``tube distortion'' simulators routinely utilize $ 8\times$ or even $ 16\times$ oversampling in the input signal prior to distortion [300].

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Geometric Signal Theory
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STFT, Kaiser Window, Beta=10, 90% Overlap