Transient Models
Another improvement to sines+noise modeling in the late 1990s was explicit transient modeling [6,149,147,144,148,290,282]. These methods address the principal remaining deficiency in sines+noise modeling, preserving crisp ``attacks'', ``clicks'', and the like, without having to use hundreds or thousands of sinusoids to accurately resynthesize the transient.G.13
The transient segment is generally ``spliced'' to the steady-state sinusoidal (or sines+noise) segment by using phase-matched sinusoids at the transition point. This is usually the only time phase is needed for the sinusoidal components.
To summarize sines+noise+transient modeling of sound, we can recap as follows:
- sinusoids efficiently model tonal signal components
- filtered-noise efficiently models the what's left after removing the tonal components from a steady state spectrum
- transients should be handled separately to avoid the need for many sinusoids
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Time-Frequency Reassignment
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Multiresolution Sinusoidal Modeling