
Image denoising: using vishushrink method

Senthilkumar July 30, 2011 Coded in Matlab

This function used to denoise a noisy image using vishushrink method

function [soft_X1,SOFT_PSNR] = Vishu_soft(X,Y)
%function used to denoise a noisy image using vishuShrink method
%One -level decomposition
[CA,CH,CV,CD] = dwt2(Y,'haar');
%Call the function to calculate the threshold
T1 = Visu_threshold(CD);
% Call the function to perfom soft shrinkage
de_CH = soft(CH,T1);
de_CV = soft(CV,T1);
de_CD = soft(CD,T1);
%Two -level decomposition
[CA1,CH1,CV1,CD1] = dwt2(CA,'haar');
%Call the function to calculate the threshold
T2 = Visu_threshold(CD1);
% Call the function to perfom soft shrinkage
de_CH1 = soft(CH1,T2);
de_CV1 = soft(CV1,T2);
de_CD1 = soft(CD1,T2);
% % CA1 = soft1(CA1,T2);
%Reconstruction for soft shrinkage
X2 = idwt2(CA1,de_CH1,de_CV1,de_CD1,'haar');
X1 = idwt2(X2,de_CH,de_CV,de_CD,'haar');

soft_X1 = uint8(X1);