
Lennart Gardian (@Dudovitz)

Studied Communication Engineering at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. Now working at Missing Link Electronics, which is a design service supplier for FPGA Designs. Here I'm focusing on DSP based FPGA designs.

Re: Why downsampling with sine and cosine

Reply posted 6 years ago (02/06/2018)
Puhhh finally got back to it. Thank you jmarcelold, I looked into direct-conversion and superheterodyne receiver but finally found my answer in the direct image...

Re: Why downsampling with sine and cosine

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/22/2018)
Woops. Yes of course downsampling is the completely wrong term. Mixing or downconverting is what I actually had troubles with. Thanks a lot for the answers. I will...

Why downsampling with sine and cosine

New thread started 6 years ago
Hi there, First of all: Hello DSP related forum! I am working in a FPGA design service company and digging deeper and deeper into the world of DSP. Therefore, ...

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