
Philip Hawthorne (@PhilHaw)

Physics graduate, one-time Systems engineer with a defence contractor. Retired teacher of Physics and IT now working on guitar-effects related projects involving DSP.

Re: Design reverb filter

Reply posted 4 years ago (01/19/2021)
I'm also not an expoert on reverb but I do know they are usually implemented by cascading all-pass filters.

Re: DSP chip ??

Reply posted 4 years ago (07/15/2020)
LOL Yes, agreed the ADCs are indeed what you say though I don't think mine was as bad as 50% SNR!Best of luck finding something suitable,Phil.

Re: DSP chip ??

Reply posted 4 years ago (07/15/2020)
OK I guess it's not going to do what you want but it is amazing how much you can squeeze out of those 128 instructions, albeit not a FFT!The chip was the design...

Re: DSP chip ??

Reply posted 4 years ago (07/15/2020)
The instruction set link is further down the page. http://www.spinsemi.com/Products/datasheets/spn1001-dev/SPINAsmUserManual.pdfSorry, I missed your original reference...

Re: DSP chip ??

Reply posted 4 years ago (07/15/2020)
The FV-1 from Spin Semiconductor might work for you. It's used in many guitar effects pedals, amps and mixers. It's particularly well-suited to reverb and delay...

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