

Re: FFT sub-band Analysis Pros / Cons

Reply posted 5 years ago (09/24/2019)
If I look at filterbanks for audio analysis: I want to use two bands so I create two versions of my impulse response, one filtered with a short time window, and...

Re: FFT sub-band Analysis Pros / Cons

Reply posted 5 years ago (09/18/2019)
This sounds like where I could be going wrong. The original signal is a good 700ms long, so long enough to contain the full audio spectrum I am wanting to analyse....

FFT sub-band Analysis Pros / Cons

New thread started 5 years ago
I am looking at different ways to implement frequency analysis of various speaker sytstems.  I can take a log sine sweep and extract an impulse response, and perform...

Re: Average Impulse Response from multiple measurements

Reply posted 5 years ago (08/11/2019)
Hi Jeff,  that makes sense to me. But still leaves me confused as to how to average measurements.  Most software out there do averaging in some form.  So you...
I have taken several log sine sweep measurements in succession, long enough for the. room noise to settle to below hearing threshold before the next measurement...

Re: multi windowing and combining fft

Reply posted 5 years ago (07/31/2019)
Thanks for your reply.  This is about coming up with a system that is easy to manipulate to quantify data.  So this is not expected to measure once, leave a fixed...

multi windowing and combining fft

New thread started 5 years ago
I have made an impulse response of an acoustical system.  I have windowed this impulse response to filter any reflections.  The window length used on this impulse...

Re: Problems extracting phase of dual FFT

Reply posted 6 years ago (07/04/2019)
The aim is to make loudspeaker measurements within a venue. This is my second post on this forum. I would very much like to be able to take a log some sweep of two...

Problems extracting phase of dual FFT

New thread started 6 years ago
I am performing dual FFT analysis on a system. 1) I generate a Log Sine Sweep signal and save it as my reference array2) I then produce an inverse filter to correct...

Re: Window Impulse Response

Reply posted 6 years ago (06/26/2019)
Thank you for all the comments. I am trying to achieve something similar to Room EQ Wizard, systune, wavecapture. Now I know they window the impulse in a similar...

Re: Window Impulse Response

Reply posted 6 years ago (06/25/2019)
Hi Neil,Thanks for this. I shall have a thorough read through. It is my understanding that the impulse response represents a system, not a signal (maybe this is...

Window Impulse Response

New thread started 6 years ago
I have used a generated Log Sine Sweep as stimulus for a loudspeaker under test.  I record the input to a measurement microphone with long enough sample size for...

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