
Kris (@krishk24)

Re: Correlated phase noise

Reply posted 1 year ago (03/30/2023)
Not exactly. I understand the multiplication in time domain is convolution in the frequency domain. my question was - what happens when the RF & LO phase noise...

Correlated phase noise

New thread started 1 year ago
I am trying to find a mathematical model to understand the correlated phase noise. In the link https://www.markimicrowave.com/blog/does-a-mixer-add-phase-noise/ ...

Digital down-conversion and cross-talk

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Hello folksI am looking at the AD9082 for a high bandwidth application. There are 2 Numerically Controlled Osc (NCO) for each ADC core. datasheet is pasted here...
HelloI am trying to decide on the most optimal ADC architecture for an high bandwidth receiver application.The signal bandwidth of interest is 2.5 GHz. There are...
Hello FolksI am looking for an intuitive read regarding error correcting codes such as "understanding digital signal processing" by Lyons for DSP.I am not a mathematician...

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